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A close-up of Mos Def with Moby perfroming his Play jump in the background.
A close-up of Mos Def with Moby perfroming his Play jump in the background.


A mashup album of Moby vs Mos Def

Mosby (2012)

So here’s a little something different. After spending a summer listening to dj BC’s awesome albums Another Jay On Earth (Jay-Z vs. Brian Eno) and Wu Orleans (Wu-Tang Clan vs. classic NOLA standards), I got really hooked on mashups. Problem was, in my eyes there were tons of great one-off ideas but very few fully realized concept albums like the ones BC delivered. There’s a real power and elegance in following a theme or thread for 30 minutes through an album compared to the ADD severity of someone like Girl Talk, who can’t seem to keep a concept going for 30 seconds…

When I finished production on Unfriend, I had a bit time to just goof off and try something new. I thought I might try my hand at doing a mashup. During a particularly long run I hit on the concept of Mosby, which was just that — mashing Mos Def and Moby. I had no idea if my cheesy idea would ever work, so I just sat down and tried it out. It took a while to find the tracks that “matched”, which seems to be the key to creating a good mashup. A few hours, some timestretching and EQing, and I had banged out The Beef After. I was pretty pleased with the results, so I kept going. Before I knew it I had eight mashes of Moby and Mos, and after a month of mixing, tweaking, and mastering, I had an album.

Now, this isn’t for everyone, and likely a lot of our trip-hop fans won’t like this. Rest assured this doesn’t mark some new direction for Endless Blue. I just had a lot of fun making some music that I really enjoy listening to. And since I can never sell it, I thought I’d share.
